Clear to Cloudy: Clear Capital Management's Transitions.


As we dive into the financial waters, certain names often come to the forefront, raising concerns and prompting inquiries. One such entity is Clear Capital Management, which has been linked to various trading names including Clear Advice and Kalis Capital.

The tale of this Discretionary Fund Manager (DFM), headquartered in Nottingham, has a few twists and turns that may be of interest to many, especially those invested in the financial sector.

The Background: Clear Capital Management's Portfolio

Clear Capital Management LLP wasn't just a regular DFM. Their influence extended to being the investment adviser for a series of fixed-rate corporate bonds, notably those issued by a firm named Corporate Finance Bonds. By 2017, when Clear Capital's model portfolios made their presence felt on the Ascentric platform, these Corporate Finance Bonds were a significant part of its portfolios.

Association with ISA: The Corporate Finance Bonds

The ISAs, particularly the Corporate Finance bonds, serve as a crucial chapter in the Clear Capital narrative. For those unfamiliar, ISAs or Individual Savings Accounts offer tax-free ways to invest or save. The bond connection ties Clear Capital to a broader financial network and underlines the importance of such bonds in its operational structure.

Partnerships with IFAs: Hamilton Rose and Athena Wealth

In the complex financial web, Independent Financial Advisors (IFAs) play a pivotal role. In Clear Capital's scenario, two names emerge prominently: Hamilton Rose and Athena Wealth. The partnership dynamics and intricacies of these collaborations could be vital in understanding the bigger picture.

FCA Restrictions and Implications

By April 2019, reports suggest that Clear Capital Management agreed to a set of restrictions imposed by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). These restrictions curtailed the firm's operational boundaries, prohibiting it from dealing in investments as an agent, managing investments, and even overseeing unauthorised alternative investment funds unless they had express permission from the FCA.

A significant point of note is the asset retention order that the FCA imposed on the firm. This restriction essentially tied the firm's hands, preventing it from either disposing of or engaging in transactions with its assets unless the FCA explicitly greenlit it.

Current Status: Where Does Clear Capital Management Stand?

Fast forward to recent times, and the FSCS officially declared Clear Capital Management in default as of 29th September 2021. This declaration inevitably raises concerns and questions, particularly for those directly or indirectly linked with the firm.

Seeking Clarity?

We understand that the realm of finance, with its ever-evolving nature, can sometimes leave investors and stakeholders in a lurch. Currently, while there is a lack of comprehensive information about Clear Capital Management, we assure our readers that we're on the lookout for any updates or insights.

If you've had associations with Clear Capital Management, Clear Advice, or Kalis Capital, and have concerns or queries, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to assist, guide, and keep you informed. Remember, knowledge is the first step to safeguarding one's interests.

We are aware that information can sometimes be scattered, and the complete picture might not be available immediately. However, rest assured that as soon as we gather more insights and details about Clear Capital Management and its associated entities, we will promptly update this space.

In the meantime, if you identify with or recognise any of the entities mentioned, we urge you to get in touch with us below, for a free no-obligation chat.

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You are not obliged to use our service. It is possible for you to present your claim for free, either to the firm, or person against whom you wish to complain, or to the statutory ombudsman (Financial Ombudsman Service or Pension Ombudsman Service) or the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, whichever is applicable to your claim.

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